
Welcome to Becoming Franciscan, the web page of the NW region of the Secular Franciscans in Great Britain.

We are delighted that you are visiting our page and hope that it enriches and inspires you and connects you to the inspiration we have received from St Francis. We are a lay people, young and old, men and women, single and married, studying, employed and retired. We are all inspired by the example of St Francis to seek to live our lives ever more closely in accordance with the Gospel and in fraternity with all people. We meet together in our Fraternities, small groups located all across the NW region, to support each other in our journey of faith and service.

Our site contains a blog and podcast about following St Francis of Assisi today and points you to our local fraternities which meet monthly and organize events and trips to help us deepen and share our Franciscan vocation. Here we explore this amazing man and the way his spirituality and his way of life transformed his world and can transform ours.  We hope that these pages will inspire you to come along and meet us in person.

The site welcomes submissions, ideas and suggestions. Please send to mail@becomingfranciscan.org

© 2023 Becoming Franciscan. Site Arthouse Design