Welcome to the website of North West Franciscans

Pax et Bonum: We wish Peace and all Good Things to you.

Welcome to Becoming Franciscan, the website the NW Council of the Secular Franciscans GB

We are Catholic lay men and women inspired by St Francis of Assisi to seek to live out ever more faithfully the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ in union with the Church, in simplicity and in fraternity with all people. 

We do so as young or old, employed or unemployed, retired, student, married, or single, Our Order welcomes all lay people to explore the meaning and message of St Francis in their lives today. We hope this website will communicate to you some small measure of our way of following St Francis. We strive to incorporate prayer and service into our daily lives, seeking always to move from life to Gospel and from the Gospel to life.

This website can only give a glimpse of St Francis and how he inspires us. We hope that your visit here today will inspire you to explore St Francis and allow you to get in touch with us.

May God bless you.


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June 13, 2024/

Franciscan in England have developed a programme of celebration in the month of September 2024 to mark the arrival of the first Franciscans in England. Events in Canterbury, Dover, London and Oxford will celebrate and remember important milestones about the small band of brave and…

May 21, 2024/

When I was growing up in the USA, fraternity meant only one thing. The word was used to describe the male student associations on various university campuses. These organisations were in my youth and one can assume still are notorious for their parties, their misbehaviour,…

May 16, 2024/

The NW Franciscans will host a talk about St Bonaventure on Sunday July 14 at 1300 at St Anthony of Padua Church. All are welcome to attend.

January 3, 2024/

Francis wanted his friars to be called “minores”, which can be loosely translated as lesser people, or smaller people. For Francis is was obvious that this pursuit of minority, of lessness, was at the heart of the example Jesus gave us, and at the heart…

November 12, 2023/

This is what I want. This is what I seek, this is what I desire with all my heart. Francis had heard while attending Mass a reading from Chapter 10 of Matthew’s Gospel in which Jesus instructs his disciples to go out and preach. “You…

Welcome to Becoming Franciscan

October 20, 2023/

It is presumptuous, arrogant, crazy, strange and pathetic for a Liverpool-based husband, father of five, and headteacher to begin, in middle age and seemingly out of the blue, a blog and podcast about Francis of Assisi  and becoming Franciscan. It does not seem that this…

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